Metex ms 9150 manual lawn
Metex ms 9150 manual lawn

metex ms 9150 manual lawn

(Commands are executed after sending a linefeed ' n' character) To get the device connected to my PC a breakout box with lights to check the connections turned out to be very useful. The port on this device is RS-232, using following settings: Baudrate 1200 Databits 7 Stopbits 2 Parity None Handshake None Protocol: D: return the value measured. In the end I got it working so I thought I would share my findings. The posts here got me started on the RS-232 connection of the device.

metex ms 9150 manual lawn

This appears to be the same device as a Metex MS-9150. Hello, Some time ago I became the owner of a Tenma 72-5085. In the early days of USB adaptors, they did NOT work with all hardware, and a true serial port was necessary. It was always easier if you used a propriety package, though the name of the one I used eludes me. Comm1, comm2, comm3 or comm4 were the only choices if I remember correctly, but usually Comm1 or Comm2. You needed to use a Baud rate that was not too fast for the particular device, and select which com port.

metex ms 9150 manual lawn

I have never used Windows, but used to use DOS, 20 years ago. I seem to recall it is a null-modem cable.

Metex ms 9150 manual lawn